Coldstart hang after BIOS Patcher

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Hi all!!

I used the bios patcher bp-4rc71 from apple_rom to update the CPU names, microcodes, etc. of my SY-6VCA BIOS. Afterwards I flashed the BIOS and did a warm start and everything looks fine :D

But every time when doing a power on cold start the system hangs with a black screen ... not even the graphic card setup is displayed. The only possibility is to press the reset button to perform a warm start. Then the graphic card is correctly initialized and the BIOS shows the POST screen ...

Always hitting the reset button, when power up the system is a little bit annoying :(

I'm wondering if somebody else has the same problem!?
Any help or comment is welcome.

Greets GM
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Try "repatch" your bios with "/s" ("backup ability" removing).
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Thanks, for the replay ... I will try this !!!

But the backup ability is for safety reasons. AFAIK the safety ability checks for pressing "-" on the keyboard or if the keyboard cannot be found switching back to the unpatched BIOS, right.

From this, do you think this safety code hangs the system :?:

I'm asking because I'm very interested how, why etc. your BIOS patcher works.

Greets, GM
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"Backup ability" not working with some SuperIO.
I recommend - IF BIOS is start up and computer bootting correctly - is better remove this option ("/s") and "reflash" BIOS.
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