help, intel ym430tx new bios locked amd processor
I found a cyrix, also locked.thankscp wrote:ie: do you have another non-Intel processor somewhere? something like a Cyrix, Rise or IDT/Centaur cpu? if so please do run a test if it boots up with one of those.
my suggestion: look for a cpuid instruction. cpuid with EAX=0 returns the vendor id in EBX-ECX-EDX. if it's not GenuineIntel (or rather 'uneGletnIeni' imho that really hurts) just stop..but that's pure guesswork
Thanks a lot for Apple_Rom,
I modified the bios, it success by pass the CPU detection,
before modify, debug card show 0d, then stop at 0E,
after modify,debug card pass 0E, then 31, and so on.
Will try more and email the modified bios to Jan for archive,
thanks a lot
I modified the bios, it success by pass the CPU detection,
before modify, debug card show 0d, then stop at 0E,
after modify,debug card pass 0E, then 31, and so on.
Will try more and email the modified bios to Jan for archive,
thanks a lot
Last edited by ie on Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.