keyboard error or no keyboard present

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Asaf Ersoy
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I open my Pentium MMX 200 unit, Win 95, and fitted an PCI modem. When I switch on I get the following BIOS message: "keybord error or no keyboard present". I tried three different keyboard, both the original DIN socket and the new PS/2 socket with no success. I understand fault could be at 8042. What is 8042 and can it be repaired or is it a chip.

My BIOS is Award Modular BIOS V4.51PG and
my chipset is SiS 5511/12/13.

Big question is can anything be done or shall I throw the matherboard away?
The UniFlasher
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Do the keyboard LEDs flash when powering on? If not, there might be a blown fuse on the motherboard - usually near the keyboard connector, marked as F1 or FS1.
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Asaf Ersoy
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No. LEDs do not flash when powering on. F1 seems to be ok, as there is continuity without disconnecting it and same voltage across both ends. But thank you for your observation. I shall look for a connection problem.
The UniFlasher
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Check if there's 5V on pin 5 of the keyboard connector ... rdpc5.html.
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Asaf Ersoy
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Looking from the front of the DIN socket with the keyboard removed, going clockwise, I get the following voltage readings:

Pin 1. 4.1 V
Pin 2. 0 V
Pin 3. 4.1 V
Pin 4. 5.2 V
Pin 5. 0 V

Asaf Ersoy
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PS/2 MiniDin6 pin numbers as follows:

Pin 1. 4.2 V
Pin 2. 0 V
Pin 3. 0 V
Pin 4. 5.8 V
Pin 5. 4.2 V
Pin 6. 0 V
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Your mainboard most likely has a PCI rev 2.1. Check that the PCI modem does not require PCI rev 2.2 or higher.

I'd think either that or a faulty mainboard.
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Thanks. I shall try to find out.
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