Unable to access floppy after faulty Power Supply

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Hi all.

Celeron 600,
Mobo : ECS p6stp-flc, all a/v/network onbord,
Ram: 128
HD: 10G

problem : Unable to access Drive a:

On boot up (the sequence is a:/c:), the LED of the floopy goes on momentary and then goes to c: . In BIOS and DOS, there's Drive a: but when you try to access it, it will spin a long time and says " retry, ignore....". When in Windows 98,window explorer says something like " drive a: not ready" when you click drive a:.

I also connected a known working floppy to the ribbon as drive b: , dos and windows listed it as such but when you try to access it, the same old story again.

I am quite sure that the ribbon cable is good, the pin connection is correct and the contacts are good.

I recently has a faulty Power Supply and this happen when I boot up the pc for the first time .

Could it be something to do with the bios/cmos being damaged ? Or do you suspect the mother board being damaged by the PSU in the first place?

The Hardware Archivist
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Check the setting for that floppy drive in the bios, it should be 3.5"/1.44MB
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Hi Edwin, I have tried that........

Well , After posted the message, I got fed up with it and closed every thing for the day. Guess what, the Drive A: is there and working the next day. Another unsolved computer mistery.
Chip off the ol' block
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i think it's a faulty cable that may be working for the moment.

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Hi Joe,

Actually I've tried everything including replacing the cable before my posting. I'm still scratching my head.....

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The onboard floppy controller maybe dammaged. I would look into purchasing a hard drive controller card with floppy interface.
Disable the hard drive portions of the card.
ANd disable the onboard floppy option in the BIOS and it should look externally for one.
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Because the old poer supply was OK before it's dead, and you just replace a new one, It looks like the new power supply unit has a compatibality problem with your motherboard. I suggest you try another power supply.
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