40GB: 10/13/1998-ALADDIN5-2A5KKC39C-00

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I Love My Vans
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Right, well i have an old computer, bought it from the girl friend, and put a 40 gig in it. The BIOS will not detect it at all.

I paused the boot up and noted this number from the bottom of the first boot up screen.


If any one could tell me where i could find a BIOS update, and how i would flahs it on the BIOS.

Much Appreciated
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Location: Cancun, Mexico

Chaintech 5RSA.
There are a patched BIOS supporting 128GB HDD, courtesy of Edwin:
http://wims.rainbow-software.org/edwin/ ... 05RSA0.zip
More than 100,000 BIOS strings in my database just now!
http:/ /www.kuriaki.has.it/
http:/ /www.supportbios.info
Saludos desde Cancun, Mexico
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