Boot Block problem

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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I have award bios on gigabyte mb. A couple of times in the last few months I get a POST problem where i get this message
Scanning BIOS image in hard drive...

First time I reseat AGP card and all was well. This time nothing seems to work. Have unplugged all devices but no help.

anybody got any clues whats going on?
Master Flasher
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...I have award bios on gigabyte mb. A couple of times in the last few months I get a POST problem where i get this message
Scanning BIOS image in hard drive...

This message is strange to award bios. Please post the correct error message so we can help you.
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That is the exact error message, but I did get the system to boot. Removed AGP and started system to generate POST error. Reinstalled AGP and system started OK.

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I think it is more common to Intel boards but I think some BIOSs can be set to scan the flash area. Maybe this means that they check disks for an updated image. If so perhaps your BIOS is thinking that a BIOS update is available from your hard disk. I know this is sort of a bit of a long shot.....
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