Bios upgrade for PC to be compatible with XP?

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I have tried a number of times to upgrade my pc to windows XP, and with success. But the computer randomly resets. This problem never occurs in windows 98. When i look at the Blue screen of death when it resets, it gives me I/O error messages pretty much every time. I was thinking that i should update my bios to fix this problem. The only problem is i dont know where to find the update for it.

BIOS manufacturer: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOD ID: 10/22/1998-ALADDIN5-2A5KKB0FC-00
BIOS ROM size: 128K
Chipset: ALi M1541 rev 4

My computer is an overseas computer, so i know virtually nothing about the motherboard. Any help would be appreciated
The UniFlasher
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Looks like Biostar M5ALC with 128KB (1mbit) BIOS. The latest BIOS is:
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
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The UniFlasher
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chrisjm_00 wrote:will this bios support windows XP?
Don't know.
MS has ****** up ACPI support and things like that terribly in Windows XP, causing it to not run properly on boards with older BIOSes :evil:
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
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