Can use AWARD bios upgrade for AMI bios?? (both MSI-6119 MB)

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Hi there,

I've got a MSI-6119 MB with an AMI bios v1.83 and i440bx chipset.
I am desperately looking for a recent upgrade for this AMI bios (want to install a 40GB HD). However, the most recent upgrade I found was from '99. :cry:
Light at the end of the tunnel????...I read somewhere that if a particular MB is provided with an AMI bios, as well as with an AWARD probably can use the upgrade for the 'other one'.
Now, on MSI's website there is a quite recent upgrade for the MSI-6119. However, this is an upgrade for AWARD.

Can I take the risk of flashing the AWARD upgrade to my AMI bios....without molesting my motherboard ?!?!?!?!?

The final answer is most welcome!! :D Thx, Danny
The Hardware Archivist
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You will be doing this at your own risk, best is to ask Microstar (MSI) tech support.

I suspect your board is in a brand system such as Fujitsu-Siemens or Gateway, OEM boards may differ enough from the original to make the bios for the original board incompatible.

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The UniFlasher
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Generally, it's possible but Awdflash will not allow you to flash (it works only on machine with Award BIOS) - maybe AMIflash will do or you can try UniFlash. Be sure to choose the correct BIOS according to your board (with CPU PnP or without).
As edwin said, ask at tech support.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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