config.sys & autoexec.bat - what's the preffered way to-

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When one is doing a flash and the instructions want you to be sure that the config.sys & autoexec.bat are not running - and so my question is what is the most preferred way to do this?

Is it by just renaming each to old before you reboot and put it back later, or is it better to use your OS's boot disk and rename it there, or another way?

The UniFlasher
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If you use Win95/98, you can press F8 before boot and select "Safe Mode Command Prompt Only" from the boot menu. MS-DOS 6.x also has something like this (I think that F5 or F8).
You can also make boot disk using SYS A: command and then boot from it. Boot disk created by this command has no autoexec.bat&config.sys files.
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Okay great - thanks again Rainbow.

I like the SYS A: method, and I'll just save both the new & old bin files right on that floppy too, and save the floppy for a rainy day that hopefully will never come.

have a good day,
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bootdiskcom is an great site...
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