80GB: Hp Brio Bax

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Got a old Brio bax machine need a upgrade..
Its a award bios
The bios can be found here...
http://www.support.brio.hp.com/briosupp ... n.exe.html
But only supports 33.33 gb. Can somebody help me pleease..
El cheapo dude
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Patched BIOS sent.


Once you create the system diskette with the file downloaded from HP, just replace the QHW1001.BIN file with the one I sent you.

Note: I don't know whether HP's flash utility is designed to work with a particular file checksum. The patched file carries a different one, so there's really no guarantee it'll flash. It's up to you to experiment with it.
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I fixed it using the original flasher from Hp ...

Thank you so much ...
The Hardware Archivist
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An Award Medallion v6.00 bios with the 32GB bug? 8O

Wow, didn't know that...

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The UniFlasher
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And patched successfully 8O :lol:
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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