40GB: Asus 82430HX-PI55T2P4C-00

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Motherboard in subject autodetect function on 40GB Maxtor locks the PC.

I have read FAQ, and from there I came to conclusion that it is 8GB limit in BIOS, but I don't know how to patch it :-(

Any help is appreciated.

BIOS data follows:

Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG

Thanks in advance
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See AJZ, Asus motherboard users always read the FAQ. :D

Flasher here:

BIOS here:
ftp://ftp.asuscom.de/pub/ASUSCOM/BIOS/S ... xP55T2P4x/

Latest BIOS 0207__02 is patchable, but I can't get my FTP working. Hopefully another associate can patch & upload it to you.
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
The BIOS Patcher
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I have patched the 0207-2 BIOS for the Asus T2P4 for full 128GB support.
It has been tested and works with IDE drives upto 120GB.
You can download a copy from my k6plus page via the link below.

The Unofficial AMD K6-2+ / K6-III+ page
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Thank you on fast reaction, but as it happens, I made boot floppy with

patched BIOS and aflash.exe, only to see that floppy drive isn't functional


(maybe he is mad because nobody cared to use it for a while :-))

Thx anyway, I will report when succesfull patch occurs.

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Assuming you're using Win9X, just boot to Safe Mode Command Prompt, and flash from your old HDD.
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
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