successful flash, but now cannot use a: drive

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I have a PC Chips M/B M559. I am running Win95. I had trouble getting it to recognise my CD-ROM. I decided that since the board was approx 8 yrs old, that I would do a bios flash. I went to PCChips website and downloaded the appropriate rom file. 0404s-13.rom. I used the amiflash program 6.31. After flashing, I drained my CMOS with the jumper, and booted up and set up my BIOS and saved the settings. I noticed that the new bios version showing on my screen was 0403 instead of 0404. It also advised me that my FDC failed, and to press F-1. Once I do that, it boots from the hard drive. I cannot get into my system from the floppy now. I put in a new battery, but it did not change anything. I am going to disable my floppy detection in the bios, and try using an ISA board to run the floppy and see what happens. If anyone has any ideas as to what is wrong, I would appreciate any & all input. thanks.

Herbert 133 :(
The UniFlasher
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You have flashed wrong BIOS. The -13 BIOS is for boards with ALi M5113 Super I/O chip, your board most porbably has Holtek chip so you need -19 BIOS. Not only FDD but also COM&LPT ports will not work.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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Thanks Rainbow, but how do I get back into the system to flash it again if I cannot get A: drive to operate. Is there anything I can do to get started again?. :?
The New Guy
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I had that problem myself. Since I could still boot from my C:\ as well, I got an old HD I had hanging around and made a *boot drive* out of it, added the flash stuff (on a spare working computer of course)...swapped it into my bad board, flashed, then swapped back in my original drive. I used an old HD for *safety* reasons...

You could put the stuff on your original drive too if that's all you have there (attach it to another computer and copy the necessary files)... I keep that stuff on the root of my drive now just so I don't have to swap them out...just in case :roll:

You could make a *boot CD* too...if you have that capability...

Good Luck!!
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Hi KachiWachi,
Thanks for the advice. Yes, I do have a spare hard drive and can hook it up to my other computer to transfer the files. I will let you know what happens.

Edit - Fix my username. KW
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