I have unfortunately updated my bios. I've done this before with no problems. This time big time problems. The computer loads and displays the Intel Motherboard screen. It will sit on this screen for all eternity unless I press ESC, F1, or F2.
When I press any of these, the system goes to POST and detects everything that is present. However, it stalls here. The message appears that says press F2 to enter set up. The computer then displays the message-Entering setup. Then it goes back to sleep without entering the setup.
I have set the jumper to the configuration mode. It just says Entering setup after I press a button. Still no go.
I have taken out the memory and added others and swapped the processors both to no avail.
After several minutes it's still on the POST screen. Oh, I forgot. Can't boot from a floppy either. I flashed it again. The floppy works in the flash.
Board is Intel AL440LX. Pentium II 300 128MB ram AGP video
Sorry such a long post, but I need help FAST!