If your problem is capacity, post the HDD capacity you need, followed by your make & model or BIOS id string. eg:
40GB: Asus TX-97E
60GB: 07/21/98-i440bx-smc60x-2a69kf39c-00
Please first visit our patched Bios site, maybe a Bios for your board has already been patched.
If you don't have a generic BIOS id string, post the oem signon - the message just below AMI or AWARD Bios message or Logo - maybe with a picture added(if possible).

Note: Make an attempt to determine your make & model, as well as check the manufacturer's home page for an updated BIOS before you ask for a patch. Read the FAQ, and the Collected Wisdom forum if you don't know how to determine your make & model.