INSTALLED A BIOS UPDATE FOR SIS MB AND TAG FILES MATCHED AND VERSION WAS CORRECT . ALL WENT WELL UNTIL I TRIED TO INSTALL OPERATING SYSTEM W98SE. SYSTEM HANGS AFTER REBOOT AND GIVES AN OE EXCEPTION AT 015F:BFF9DBA7 WHEN I CLOSE THE EXCEPTION I GET A MSGSRV32 INVALID PAGE FAULT AND THE SYSTEM WONT GO ANY FURTHER. I have just installed a new 40G Maxtor 7200 hard drive and it seems to be running quite hot. Ok now is this exception one that is telling me the new drive has a heat problem or something else?? I did a scan disk and all was ok. Or is it a new problem such as bad memory etc.??
Thanks for your input in advance
I'd test the memory
Patched and tested BIOSes are at
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
Tested Memory and it was fine. I added another cooling fan internally and the drive is running cool now. Tower is a mini so that must have caused the lack of air inside. Everything is okay now except that the CPU identification in System properties says it needs an update.< yet the system runs fine , all drivers are installed and everything is functioning okay. Best leave well enough alone???