60GB: 12/23/1998-ITE8671-2A69JV3TC-00

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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I'm looking for a patch so i can install a 60 GB harddisk (WD600AB)
I know there is a patch for another Vtech motherboard which has almost the same ID-string, also the other data are the same. The only difference is a F in stead of a T on the end. From the website of PcPartner i learned there is a different motherboardnumber. Mine is 35-8854-01-XX. The other is 35-8831-XX-XX. The manuals are also almost the same. I don't know enough if and in what way this matters. These are the data of my motherboard and bios-string

Program: Unicore BIOS Wizard Version 3.2
Program: eSupport.com BIOS Detect v1.1 June 4, 2003
BIOS Date: 12/23/98
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 12/23/1998-ITE8671-2A69JV3TC-00
OEM Sign-On: BIOS-I (81223)
Chipset: Intel 440EX/LX rev 3
Superio: ITE 8671 rev 1 found at port 279h
OS: Microsoft Windows 98 Version: 4.10.1998
CPU Speed: 333 Mhz
CPU Max: 333 Mhz
BIOS ROM In Socket: Yes
BIOS ROM Size: 128K
Memory Installed: 160 MB
Memory Maximum: 128 MB
Memory Slot 01: 128 MB
Memory Slot 02: 32 MB
Memory Slot 03: 0 MB
Memory Slot 04: 0 MB

eSupport.com, Inc.
1-800-800-BIOS (2467)

Another question: According to the manual i can install 256 MB memory. According to the Bios wizard (see above) the maximum installable memory is 128 MB. How come the difference?

Can anyone help/inform me?

Many thanks,

BIOS Bodhisattva
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It looks as though you have the last BIOS issued for the LXB855S/EXB854S motherboards. It should be possible to patch it if I can locate a download...
..and don't believe everything a wizard tells you. :wink:
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BIOS Bodhisattva
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Thanks, I got it, patched, now available at the "untested" link in my signature.
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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Yes, i do have a problem/ problems

I wonder if the new harddisc isn't ok

after installing everything i notice that transferrate is not Udma 2, but something like mode 0. (no udma at all) Using the wd toys they only give error messages. F.i. the change to Ultra Ata 2 : 33.3 mb/s gives failure.

Further when windows is started i get a message that the system changed to ms-dos compatibility mode. It doesn't do this without the wd600ab connected.

Anyone have any idea what can be the problem, or is the disk broke?

thanks very much for your answers,

I'll give more specific info if this rings no bells

BIOS Bodhisattva
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I guess that Windows may switch to compatibilty mode (using the BIOS) if it cannot determine the drive parameters. Which version of Windows are you using ?
Other possibly irrelevant questions:
- did you clear CMOS after flashing ?
- how have you set the drive type and mode in CMOS ?
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Well i'll be more specific with the information.

I'm using Windows 98se (4.10.1998)
Yes, i cleared cmos with the /cm and /cd switches

I followed the steps from wd manual.

1) The old disc is a Seagate ST33210A, 3.25 GB.
autodetect disc in LBA mode.

ST33210A: 787 cyl. 128 heads 63 sectors

2) autodetecting second disc it doesn't give the opportunity to choose LBA.
Only 'normal' or 'large' are choosable.
Further the size is 8.4 GB (motherboard manual expresses ability to use size larger than 8.4 GB. At least it should say 32?)

When i choose 'user defined' i can choose LBA-mode then it gives a size of 4.2 GB.

I think LBA mode is neccesary?

Using all kind of diagnosis programs i conlude there is some kind of 'translation error'

Following the alternative route, tricking the bios, using wd tools, in bios choosing 'user defined', non-LBA and
parameters 1023 cyl. 16 heads 63 sectors, trying to use EZBIOS also gives failures.

So the drive is detected as WD600AB, a second drive, but after this point there seems to be no communication with the drive.

My final question: 1) is it something with the bios
2) Could it be something with the windows version/update?
3) is the harddisc not ok? (my fear)

NB. Trying Fdisk just to see what parameters it gives immediately shows flashing message "Unable to access drive 2"

Excuses form my ignorance. Tomorrow i can search more thoroughly through the forums messages. At home with the telephoneline connection it is not so easy.

Thanks for any help,

The Hardware Archivist
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If WD600AB on its own cable, set for single drive (remove all jumpers). Make sure the 32GB limit jumper is removed as well.

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It's a real puzzle form me to find out what is wrong.
I tried to install the harddisk on another computer with up-to-date bios and it gave exactly the same errormessages, so i think it's the harddisk.
Further i found out that there could be some trouble with the IDE controller on my system Intel 82371AB/EB. Installing a second drive it may cause the system to change to ms-dos compatibility mode.

Still studying, any help is welcome.
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You may want to check for

1) bootsector virus
2) complete driver install, get the chipset installer thingy at the Intel website
3) DataLifeGuard from http://www.wdc.com to test the drive in the other system.

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