ms-6154 dead

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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:( ....i tried changing the bios this mornin ... el=MS-6154

using this method

when i power it up noting comes, its jus a blank screen, no beeps

i tried clearing the cmos, changed the jumpers, put them back. nothing.
i tried again this time waiting a minute or so then puttin the jumper back in the right place....nothing. next i wating 10 minutes....1hr....4 hrs. nothing. any advice ?
El cheapo dude
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If it at least tries to access the floppy, then you could try the AMIBOOT.ROM trick explained in our FAQ (main site).
The UniFlasher
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If not, you will need to hot-flash
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thanks for the replies, it doesnt access A:/ on boot, and uniflash doesnt support the chip i want to. any other options ?
The UniFlasher
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What chip do you have there?
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ahh perhaps im wrong, the mobo is a microstar make, ms-6154

that would mean the chip is an ms-6154 right ?
The UniFlasher
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For hotflash, you need another board with chipset that UniFlash supports. The Flash ROM chip (the chip that contains BIOS) must be supported by UniFlash too.
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hey, the messed up bios is W29C020C-90B. i have a workin board with W29EE011-15 bios. would it still br possible ?
The UniFlasher
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The older board has 128KB chip only (W29EE011) - but some of these boards can also support 256KB ones (like the W29C020) - try it and you will see. If you get verification error in half of the chip then it does not support 256KB.
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i was wondering why that verification error appeard, hmm atleast i know i can possibly fix this situation.
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hey i found a mobo with AE29F2008 = Winbond W29C020(C) | 256KB, yet i still get a verification error in the end :cry: oh and what does bootblock mismatch mean ?

i did write bootbloc to file, and here it is
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i am now tryin to use a board with at290c02,

when i do flash bios image file to flash rom, it says mismatch bootblock. i choose to continue. uniflsh says last write status SUCESS.

if i exit and run uniflash again it says last write status NOT AVAILABLE.
The UniFlasher
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It should be OK. The last write status is not saved anywhere in the chip - it just says if the last write operation you performed in UniFlash was OK or not.
You can try older AMIFlash from I have successfully flashed one W29C020C with this one although UniFlash didn't work.
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Bootblock mismatch means :
The Bootblock(Emergency Bios) stored in the Chip is different with the one from the Biosfile .
Even if the flash was succesful you'll get Bios ROM Checksum Eoor or no Boot . > Use Uniflash > Advanced Tab > Flash including Bootblock !!
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thanks for the help, appriciated it very much
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