40GB: 62-0406-001437-00101111-071595-440bx-M761_3.0-8671-H

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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My quantum 40GB hard drive isn't recognized.
Please help me!
How could I fix my bios or where I could find updated for this setting bios.
Please help me! :roll:
I'm Mongolian :-)
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There aren't any EPROM support 40Gb hard disk. I can't found.
Please help!
How could I fix my EPROM hard disk table? Could I?
I'm Mongolian :-)
BIOS Bodhisattva
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Are you sure that the 32GB limit jumper has been removed from the drive ?
The UniFlasher
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If the jumpers are set correctly, and it still does not work properly, enter HDD parameters manually in SETUP.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
UniFlash - Flash anything anywhere
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Where could I find that jumper?
I couldn't find. There are only 3 jumper settings that master, slave and cs.
Now I set manually. :? :(
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It seems you already have the latest 19990406 Bios installed

Look at your HDD - the parameters for Cylinder Head and Sector should be written onto it .
Enter Bios setup and enter these values manually at the port your HDD is connected to and enable LBA for this port

Usually your HDD should work with full capacity then

Tested with M571 M560TG M715
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