BootBlock hanging at detecting floppy

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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Ok, I'm getting the infamous BIOS ROM checksum error. However, I'm not fortunate enough to get the "Insert system disk" message. As soon as I power the system on the floppy light goes on and the system will sit indefinitely at "Detecting floppy drive A media..." The floppy light will stay lit until I turn it off.

I have tried 3 different floppy drives, 4 different floppy cables, various configurations of each just to make sure I have a working floppy config. However, nothing I've tried gets it past the detecting floppy message.

The mobo is an Asus A7N8X 2.0 PCB.

Someone please assist.
The Hardware Archivist
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one end connector to the mobo, end connector at twisted section to the floppy, red striping matches pin ONE on both connectors, that should do it. If not, there a chance the floppy disk itself is faulty, try another disk and make sure it contains everything for an emaergency flash per instructions from Asus.

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The UniFlasher
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Sometimes, there's a bug in the bootblock, preventing it from working properly :?
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Will it detect a hard drive with a boot sector? (after changing the boot order to "C" first in the bios)
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The UniFlasher
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No, it can only boot from floppy. AFAIK, on some new Asus boards, the bootblock can boot from the Asus CD.
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I ve got exactly the same prob .. The only way ll be to buy another bios .. i think ... :evil:
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