80Gb: 07/07/1998-i430TX-ITE867-2A59IZ1CC

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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This is what BIOS agent says:
Program: eSupport.com BIOS Agent Version 3.31
BIOS Date: 07/07/98
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 07/07/1998-i430TX-ITE867-2A59IZ1CC
OEM Sign-On: 5DTX-TC VER2.6 (7/7/98)
Chipset: Intel Triton 430TX rev 1
Superio: Unknown
CPU: P55C 262 MHz
BIOS ROM In Socket: Unknown
BIOS ROM Size: Unknown
Memory Installed: 255 MB
Memory Maximum: Unknown
This is an old Tomato/Zida 5DTX-TC motherboard, pcb rev. 2.03. Zida.com no longer supports it. I already updated the bios to the latest I could find on the net. I use the comp based on this motherboard as a download center, and with broadband the old 10 gig hdd filled up really quick. I got hold of a 80 gig Seagate drive (ST380021A). The bios hangs at hdd detection, so I had to use the capacity limiter jumper, and now only 32 gigs are accessible. What a waste :( but still better than 10 gigs, and a whole lot faster, as well. :)
I love this board, it even runs Windows XP flawlessly, and I would like to keep it as long as possible, so I please make me a fix for this problem. I read much of the site, and I see that fixing the 32 gb barrier is easier compared to the 65gb barrier I may encounter after the 32 gb is fixed. If its hard to do, a 32 gb only fix would be most welcome as well. I have a 40 gig drive I use as a portable disk in a firewire enclosure, as a last resort I could swap that with the 80 gig. Why i dont do that in the first place is that I am worried that the 80 gig drive, which is 7200prm, would generate too much heat in the fanless firewire enclosure.

Thank You All In Advance, Ben(69)
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Ah, and the latest bios, that i could find, is here:

The site is in czech, but dont worry, you dont need to know the language to grab the bios. I dont speak a word of it either. :)
El cheapo dude
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Patched to 128GB support with BP's utility.

Look for it in my BETA signature link.
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I flashed it, and it works great! Thanks so much! Now I can boot without the capacity limiter jumper, and access all of the drive. The displayed size is correct as well! Thanks!!!
El cheapo dude
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Thanks for the feedback.
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