How to id mother board with no video

How-to identify your motherboard ?
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I have a AMIBIOS 1999. AMD Duron 900 putting back together after prolonged shelving.
Hangs at boot, constant floppy running. I know the BIOS is corrupt based on info at this site. I cannot locate the MB manual, nor can I find the MFR info on the board. Am I ()*&*&%&^ or is there some hope? The only thing I have found on the MB is rev 3.0 in the upper left corner. Where should I be looking on the MB to find the mfr name or pt#.

Thank you in advance.
BIOS Bodhisattva
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Any chance of a picture or several?
What chipset does it use ?
Does the floppy start running as soon as you turn the power on (i.e. cable plugged in wrong pins/upside down) ?
Tested patched BIOSes. Untested patched BIOSes.
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I will get pic's and chipsets tonight and post. Cables are all good and in place correctly..., Attempts to boot querries floppy, hangs w/ floppy looking for .... replaced floppy w/known good as well as all cables. used all std troubleshooting procedures, r/r ancillary components, etc... item by item. I just cannot locate the MB info at this point. Was a byo several years ago for home lab.
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Ok, Here is some additional info, Sorry no pics yet.
Found the following info on case. Small ECS sticker, Chipset is SiS 730s,
Found barcode label on case w/mo15b1569001984, found another sticker on case EA-00d009c3d4a4 I am thinking this one is the MAC. on reverse of motherboard found this number P&Q 0115 CM-1 94v-0.
I am thinking this is an ECS m/Board.
Does this help?

El cheapo dude
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Could it be an ECS K7SEM?
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ajzchips thanks for the info,

I checked out the Elite website (ECS) the pic provided does not match. pic shows two sided (leads) DIP pkg for the bios chip. I have the smaller 4 sided (leads) bios chip. I have to check to see if it matters.
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A ECS K7SEM should be clearly marked with K7SEM
Does the revision number does only show 3.0 or 3.0A or 3.0C ?

It's very much possible it's the sister board Pcchips M810 with small layout differences
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The MB definitly does not identify the model #.
rev 3.0 is th oly marking other than prevoiusly noted.


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Actual bios chip sticker states 686 AMIBIOS 1999 ATO1 5575
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Thanks to all for your comments and insight. Used PCCHIPS M810 bios 2003/09/15 M810L (V3.0)
Worked sys back up and running. ready to blow out OS to Play w/ server 2003

Thank you again.
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