160GB HD on DFI CA61

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Hi. I'm thinking of buying new 160GB from my old computer. Will it be supported by the bios?
can I buy a 160GB HD and work with 137GB of it without a problem?
Thanks for the help. Here is the esupport print-out (b.t.w. I have DFI CA61 rev. B mobo).

Program: eSupport.com BIOS Agent Version 3.42
BIOS Date: 09/25/00
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 09/25/2000-693-596A-DD-2A6LGD4FC
OEM Sign-On: None
Chipset: VIA 82C691 rev 68
Superio: Unknown
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Version: 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4
CPU: Pentium III 760 Mhz
BIOS ROM In Socket: Yes
BIOS ROM Size: 256K
Memory Installed: 384 MB
Memory Maximum: Unknown
Memory Slot 01: 0 MB
Memory Slot 02: 128 MB
Memory Slot 03: 256 MB
Memory Slot 04: 0 MB
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Most likely it will not support 160GB. As far as I can tell from http://www.t13.org/project/d1226r7-Enhanced-BIOS.pdf you can only obtain information about Enhanced BIOS Services for Disk Drives when you actually have a drive attached, so there is no way to check, but at that date and from the information given at the BIOS download page I expect it will support 137GB.
Most likely it will use 137GB quite happily.
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There's no 160Gb HDD support in Award 4.51PG Bios. But if you have an OS like W2K/XP with latest Servicepacks or Linux then you should be able to access the area above 128/137GB within your OS.
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