80GB: 07/26/1999-i440ZX-W977-2A69KA1QC-MT

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 07/26/1999-i440ZX-W977-2A69KA1QC-MT

ABIT ZM6 motherboard..

80GB Maxtor hard drive

The bios does not recognize the harddrive, after setting the jumper to limit the size, I could only use 32 GB.
Would like to fully use my 80 GB..

any help is highly appreciated!
Last edited by chevin123 on Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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does the lastest bios support 80G harddrive? there is no explanation, only a previous version supports 40G...

there is no the patched and tested bios update for ABIT ZM6 board.

any suggestion please.

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At least one version show "support 40GB HDD" so the 32GB Bug got patched.
Install the latest version and test it with your 80GB HDD - hopefully they did not forgot to patch the 64GB Bug.
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By any chance you have a updated bios for my ZM6?

I will try your suggestion of testing the lasted ZM6 bois version, will let you know the result. :-)

what is uniflash? can I use it?

Thank you in advance.
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Uniflash is a universal flash utility.
Please use the flashprog Abit suggests to use or Uniflash to update your Bios.
If the latest Bios does not cure your problems then one of the mods will try to patch the latest Bios for you.
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is there a risk to update bois? any consequences if it is not done properly?

any tricks or something special I have to know to update my bois?

Thank you.
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More than 100,000 BIOS strings in my database just now!
http:/ /www.kuriaki.has.it/
http:/ /www.supportbios.info
Saludos desde Cancun, Mexico
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Help .... Please...

Updated BIOS to the lastested version, zm6_su.. as it says.. supporting to up to 40GB hard drive... but I still can not fully use my 80GB drive...

anyone can help this out? Thank you very much.
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What's the problem now ?

Please give us some more details to find out whether it's a Bios or OS problem !
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