CPU showing less than it is?!?!

Don't ask how to over-clock.
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I've got a bit of a dilemma in that I recently purchased a 1GHz CPU for my Award P3 sys. The printed info on the chip is:

1000/256/133/1.75 & the model # is: SL52R

however, I've only noticed it showing as a 750MHz chip & my BIOS gives the following info:

BIOS Date: 04/25/01
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
BIOS ID: 04/25/2001-i440BX-W977-GA686BX0C
OEM Sign-On: (2A69KG07) Gigabyte 686BX BIOS Provided by eSupport.com
Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX rev 2
Superio: Winbond 977TF rev 0 found at port 3F0h
CPU: Pentium III 750 Mhz MAX: 750 Mhz
BIOS ROM In Socket: Yes
BIOS ROM Size: 256K
Memory Installed: 416 MB
Memory Maximum: 1024 MB
Memory Slot 01: 64 MB
Memory Slot 02: 64 MB
Memory Slot 03: 32 MB
Memory Slot 04: 256 MB.

Is this correct that my current BIOS setup only allows a max of 750MHz? I only updated it in December using the Award Flash-BIOS download that I paid good money for & I'm hoping that they've not gone & done another update in the interim period.
I noticed there seems to be a general frowning upon "overclocking" (whatever the hell that may be; I'm a bit of a novice really :oops: ) so if this query falls into that category then my apologies in advance
El cheapo dude
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Your board has the BX chipset, with a maximum FSB speed of 100. Your P3 is the 133 version. You should have looked for the 100 version.

In your case, your 1000MHz processor is 7.5x133 (7.5 is a fixed multiplier, so you can't change it), therefore in your mobo, its total will be 7.5x100=750MHz.

BTW, you paid for your BIOS update? They gave you the exact same version they sent Gigabyte (2001/4/25) for FREE downloading.
http://tw.giga-byte.com/Motherboard/Sup ... -686BX.htm
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Aaaaah! Now I see, thank you very much.
Now, guess what my next question is?:
Can I set my BIOS to accept a 133MHz FSB chip (& if so how) or am I just really going to have to bite the bullet & buy a P4?
Also, do you reckon I was ripped off by the "good people" at Award?: $30 they charged me for an updated BIOS. Are you saying that it was available, free, on the net, all the time? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
El cheapo dude
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Nope... try exchanging your P3-1000/133 for a P3-1000/100. That's the simplest solution, and you'll get your full 1000MHz.

Yep... you were ripped off, although this doesn't mean they didn't provide the service you paid for.
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Thanks for the advice there.

Sadly I think I've shelled out enough of my cash on this old fella so it's time I migrated to P4 country instead of postponing the inevitable by blu-tacking & Sellotaping short term solutions to "need for speed" issues.

Goodbye old P3, mosey into the sunset to meet your cousins P2, P1, 486, 386 & Grand-Pappy 286.........there's a new sheriff on the horizon & his name's 3.6GHz!!!

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