BIOS modification

Don't ask how to over-clock.
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i have ABIT NF7-S rev. 2 and Barton 2500+ witch is OC on 200x10.5 1.65V (bios 1.675V) and i would like it that bios show my cpu as AMD AtlohnXP 3000+ (2.1Ghz) not just AMD Athlon(tm) 2.1Ghz...

so in bios i have options like 2500+, 3200+ and expert (user), i would like to have and option to choose 3000+ (200x10.5) too...

if that is posible?
with witch program may be this is posible to do?
Notebook Genius
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To be honest, In your shoes I would be very happy that it runs so well no matter what the boot shows...
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