Need help finding bios upgrade-Jetway/Via chipset

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I need help in finding an upgraded bios for my computer.

The computer is an old Axis Systems Athlon model bought about 2 1/2 years ago. The company folded in about 6 months.

Now I need a bios upgrade, apparently, to make a 2nd big maxtor hard drive that I installed work.

I ran a program called bios wizard and it seems to be saying that my chipset is VIA 82c391 rev 2. It says my bios type is Award Modular Bios v6.00PG.

Other programs say it is a Jetway board.

Either way, I can't find a bios upgrade that seems appropriate. Suggestions? Need more info?

I appreciate the help. :)
Master Flasher
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If you could post all the info the other programs gave, I think it would help to identify the board for you. Also, are there any numbers printed on the board surface, or the side of an ISA or PCI slot, what is the CPU (socket or slot?), how many PCI, ISA, DIMM's, etc. What is the signon string when the board posts? The more info given, the better the chance to identify your board.
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Thanks for the reply; the additional info I had, which is from the WindowsXP System Info utility, says the following:

System Manufacturer: Jetway
System Model: AWRDACPI
BIOS Version/Date: Jetway- 42302e31, Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG, 4/6/2000

There are 5 PCI slots.

It looks like 3 DIMMS.

There is a chip on the board that says VIA VT82c686A.

When the system starts, it says "Award Modular Bios version 6.00 PG, then it shows v.771AS A03 4-07-2000"

This supplements the initial info I posted, from the Bios wizard program, that says that my chipset is VIA 82c391 rev 2.
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J771AS - this Bios should support IDE HDD up to 128GB .
If your HDD is detected as 32GB remove the 32GB Limit jumper .
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