my acer TM2200 is dead

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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Hi all,

i tried update bios of my TM 2200
from 1.09 to 1.12 using Winphlash downloaded from acer site.
I choose bios file Elw80wph.m1c included in the zip file,
but my notebook after reset is dead. I am afraid of that I choose
bad file - the file is probably for another acer model (TM 2700).
How can I save my notebook now?

Thanx for your help
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Exactly the same thing happend to me and my travelmate 2200 ! It says in the readme file use Winphlash of which i did and i couldn't find the bios file which the app put in bios.wph but it didn't exist so i used the file which they included ELW80WPH.M1C and i flashed it with this but when i rebooted the machine i didn't boot at all and i nearly ended up with a brick.

Luckly the WinPhlash app backed up my bios to the drive so i took out the hard drive and connected it to my desktop comp an got the file off i found the files needed to make a crisis recovery disk namely (phlash16.exe, and minidos.sys) and i used my old bios file.

To recover your machine you need a USB floppy drive (CD DON'T WORK).

1). On a machine that works Download and Unzip the archive here Using the Floppy Image.exe write the bios.imz to a blank floppy disk the bios included works.

2). Remove battery, Plug in AC and USB floppy disk to your system.

3). Press Fn+Esc or Fn+B and don't release.

4). Press power button, and then release Fn+Esc or Fn+B.

5). Disk will load the image, you will hear several beeps while its flashing the bios do not power off during this, the machine will reset itself.

Hope this helps...:o)
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Same problem here, but whit a acer 2700.

No support and no answer from acer, Tried the crisis disc but nothing.

It uses the same bios that the 2200 uses, need the bios.wph file for it to work. At least i think so :(
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Your laptop can be saved, get your shops replacement where you buy it, if warranty, do replacement, if not, pay for it... Yes, laptop more risky failed BIOS updates than dekstop pc... :wink:
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for all those ppl that keep emailing me here are the files again :

biosrecovery disk image/writer with bios file:

lone bios file :

This is from the Acer TM2200, Intel Celeron D 2.66GHz by the way.
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