I try to enable sata ports on my mobo M71IXA (hp proliant ml110)
they are disabled and i I can't enable it in bios menu
I use phoenix bios editor to enable
build bios - no error
after flash my mobo don't respond
now I run dos from floppy on different mobo
when dos run I replace bios chip with this from M71IXA
uniflash with oryginal flashabl.rom
but it says that file has wrong size
flasabl.rom have 513kb, chip have 512kb - but why?
this is oryginal bios from HP website
when I run
Code: Select all
uniflash -force bf60 -e flashabl.rom
but file & floppy are okError #100 Disk read error
I try to use phlash16 tool for phoenix bios
Code: Select all
phlash16 /BBL /C /MODE=3 flashabl.rom
what can I do?
plz help