DO a8ae-le have Recovery Mode ? help me .Pls

Hot-swapping and Boot-Block flash & Boot block flash and floppy support
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how to fix a8ae-le bios after updata bios fail ?

EPROM is fasten motherboard , HOT swap fail !

Only hope is Recovery mode, who know how to enable recovery mode If a8ae-le have recovery mode ?
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do it have asus function ( press ati+f2 then enter A drive boot ) ?

or press other key?

who know ?
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Hey bud sorry for the late reply I just saw this post here. Good news could be that you aren't screwed. I had plenty of bad flashes with the exact same mobo on my compaq sr1750nx.

This is what I did to recover.
First either get a floppy drive or usb memory stick, and a blank cd-r.

Next navigate over to ... fullcd.iso to get freedos full cd. The file is about 150MB. Once you have that burn it to cd making sure you use a decent program to burn it. I used deepburner free edition with no problems. Just make sure you click copy cd then burn image or something like that...I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Then once you have the cd burned test it to make sure it is bootable in the pc you are currently using, and also have a peek in the bios of the current pc to see if cdrom is set to boot first, and if not make sure it is then save and exit. You should get a freedos menu and when you do push the number 1 on the keyboard then enter. That will take you to another menu, and since we are only testing here go ahead and push 2 which should take you to freedos safe mode.

Well now that you know the cd works here is the next step.
Either get 3.14 from edwin, from Here, or from compaq you can obtain 3.13. Search for a newer version of AWDFLASH.EXE which if you didn't already know is a dos flashing utility.

Go ahead and place your 313.bin, 314.bin or whatever you want on the usb or floppy disk along with the version of awdflash that you choose.

Ok now you should have a freedos cd, a usb stick or floppy disk with AWDFLASH.EXE, and 314.bin. NOW comes the great part....

Go ahead and turn on the trashed amberine board, open the cd tray, pop in the usb stick, and hit control-alt-delete to reboot. If control-alt-delete doesn't work hold power till it turns off, and then power on, and wait.....wait....wait some more after some time you should finally see the cd light kick on and start running the cd (hopefully the cd is clean and full of dirt and debris.) Now if you get this far (it might take some time) you are going to want to do like earlier and push 1 on the keyboard then enter. Followed by 2 on the keyboard then enter if needed. Freedos should go into safemode without ntfs support which is good because it should make your usb stick if you used one drive c: . So once at the command prompt type the following (note: if using a floppy the drive letter might be A:\ or B:\ pay attention when it mounts the drive letter)
C:\ then hit enter
you should now see your drive letter as C:\

type dir/w/p then hit enter
you should get a paused window view of all the file names on your memory stick or floppy
if not try another drive letter... i.e. A:\ B:\ D:\
if none work your floppy or usb stick aren't being recognised and if that is the case copy your files back to the other computer and find the hp formatting tool for usb memory sticks, and reformat your usb stick using that...(I actually used an SD card, and usb sd card reader for this trick myself)

So if all goes well you are sitting at the command prompt at your usb stick or floppy location and wondering what to do next.....You must reflash! so type AWDFLASH and hit enter
once the flashing program opens type 313.bin or 314.bin depending on what version of the bios you want to flash, and then hit enter
type y if you want to back up the current bios which would be kinda pointless at this step...considering the current one is messed just hit n and then enter hit y when asked to program then enter
now wait a little while and let the program do its thing
exit the program if it doesn't do it automatically, and voila you reboot a nice working system.
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any sugestions if your in boot block and it wont boot from a disket or a disk?
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Thanks a lot for the information. This does wonders for me!

What I did is:

1) Create a BOOTABLE CD which includes all the necessary files for flashing the BIOS. (This Desktop does not have FDD and USB FDD doesn't work when BootBlock is active!)

2) Ran the AWDFLASH.EXE, Enter "314.bin" and then the utility will do its thing and RE-FLASH the BIOS with 3.14.

3) After RE-FLASHGING, it will reboot itself.

4) New 3.14 bios loaded and Compaq Desktop comes alive once again with no more "BIOS ROM Checksum Error" message!

Thanks again for all the help!! You are my savior for my cusstomer!!

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If you were referring to me then you are welcome. :D Glad I could help. Anyway yeah freedos in safe mode worked wonders for me too. Using the 3.14 or the 3.13 doesn't make a bit of a difference as I found both to work for me.
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I'm sorry do you mean that you are programming the bootblock and it wont read? I don't understand what you mean by being in the bootblock. Eventually using my method will work or do as the previous person suggested and put everything on a cd.
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