80GB: HP Brio BA600

BIOS update, EIDE card, or overlay software? (FAQ Hard disk recognition)
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Hi all,

I have HP Brio BA600 with Award bios.
I am trying to put on - 80G of hard disk , but the computer can't see the big disk.
I saw in the site that you give the upgrade for this problem, but i still have some questions:

1. On which Bios can i use this upgrade? Now i have the HW.27.10(QHW.10.01). can i make the update on this one?

2. the bios ID string must to be the same? (in the site it is 10/19/1999-i440BX-SMC602-6A69KM3JC-00) does it need to be match??.

3. in the file there is only a .bin file. with what bile can i open it? i need any special .exe?

thanks. :roll:
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The release notes contain flashing instructions.

http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/Te ... TypeId=110
Flash your BIOS at your own risk.
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i already done this with the HW.27.10 .
still, the bios cant handle the 80G HD.
What to do now??
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Patched BIOS for HP Brio BA600 (MiTAC 6110ZU/VA) courtesy of NickS:
http://wims.rainbow-software.org/nicks/ ... 0ZU_VA.zip
More than 100,000 BIOS strings in my database just now!
http:/ /www.kuriaki.has.it/
http:/ /www.supportbios.info
Saludos desde Cancun, Mexico
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