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looking for bios ver. P (gericom/fic hydrospeed nb2000)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:17 pm
by Rado
Hey folx,

First of all, I´m the guy who wrote this years ago ;-) ... hydrospeed
Now after selling this dammned noty and almost forgetting the topic - i am confronted with this problem again :-(

Did hours of research and found out that there is a bios version "P" of this Notebook-bios ! But it is nowhere to find on the net.
Found a guy at ebay who has this version on his notebook but he didn´t want to save his bios. (because there could go something wrong *lol*)

Please - dear Hydrospeed / NB2000 owners :
Look into your bios (F2 on startup) and if you have a version stating "P" or even newer please make a backup and send it to me.

You can download the winphlash-program with all settings already done from my webspace at

You would have to download, unzip, and start the tool.
Then siply press "BACKUP" and send the file to me.

I would even pay 10bucks or somethin' like that for your help (2 minutes of work)
