
How-to identify your motherboard ?
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This is an AMD Duron Motherboard with a VIA VT8363/VT82C686A
chipset combination. I was misled by the model number on the mainboard
which is 8KTA+. This is also an Epox motherboard model, but it does not match the motherboard image on the epox US website: http://web.epox.com/html/motherboard.as ... lus&lang=1, although it is similarly specced. In any event an Epox/2theMax/Pronix/Winco motherboard would have a PA manufacturer ID not PR.

Can anyone ID the board manufacturer? 01/15/2001-8363-686-6A6LMPRAC-00 "PR"

Steve Cooney
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Not so far... any BIOS message in the top left under the Award logo (just "KTA+") ?
The UniFlasher
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AFAIK, PR is PC Partner.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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El cheapo dude
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Yep... their "SuperGrace" division uses "PR".
The UniFlasher
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I thought that Supergrace is just a reseller...
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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The Hardware Archivist
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Vtech/PcPartner, check board surface for 35-xxxx-xx marking in the corner at the back opposite of the keyboard.

Do not assume anything

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Okay have now removed the board from case. There don't appear to be any PC Partner markings, and their board layouts don't match either. The board has PA-7761-00-01 screened near the ISA slot on both sides of the board. 8KTA+ is also on the bar code on the side of the ISA slot.

THere are a couple of other markings K4 94V-0 with the K in a box sort of like a logo on the back edge of the board.

The BIOS has the wretched phoenixnet garbage but it identifies the machine as 8KTA+ as does the OEM string in the BIOS itself.

Have also scanned through VIA's motherboard listings and no sign of it although its not complete.

Does PA-7761-00-01 indicate that EPOX may have manufactured it?

THanks for the efforts so far
El cheapo dude
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Rainbow wrote:I thought that Supergrace is just a reseller...
Well, they started out as a division, IIRC, just like H0 & E1, 1437 & 1131... you know whom I mean :wink:
...and then started swapping vendor codes among themselves, just like our beloved Hsin's and Elite's did... :P
The UniFlasher
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Can you take a photo of the board or put it in a scanner? Run the BIOS Agent (link is at main page) and put the results here.
Patched and tested BIOSes are at http://wims.rainbow-software.org
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Okay I have identified the board layout as matching the PCPartner K133ASA-981 (686A). This is a closeout board on the Hong Kong website.


Unfortunately there are no BIOSes on the PC partner website nor on
the Bestcom site for this model

http://www.bestcomonline.com/english/do ... .htm#kt133

Even then the board displayed is not a perfect match, my board does not have any jumper blocks, and is a green PCB.

So, only slightly ahead.

The Bios strings I have already identified including BIOS-2M (2K010115A) 8KTA+ were obtained using BIOS Agent.

Steve Cooney.
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